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    Irish Justice

(Lexcen Bale  x  Lucy Blue)
show pedigree

Colour   Brindle and White
Date of Birth   12 JAN 2001
Land of Birth   Australia
Standing Land   Australia
Breeder   Karon Blakemore.
Studbooks Licensed with   GRSA
Choice of Semen available   Natural Service
Countries Semen available for   

Stud Fee: $300.00

Contact: 0885203315 0416473792

ABOUT Irish Justice

Check out the bloodlines of this 38 kg. gentle giant.   He has the confirmation, temperament, and energy of a five year old.   Natural service by lady owner.   "Patrick" won five in a row then next start totally shattered his right hock.   This was repaired by Dr. Chris Arnold and I was told he would never race around a circle track again.   Retired for my own use at stud but would like to get more of his pups on the ground.  



Owners/ Stud masters recommendation

A strong 500 m + dog.   Would run through a brick wall.  


Terms and Conditions

$300.00 but can be negotiated.

Contact: 0885203315 0416473792